Imajinasi Anda tidak memiliki batas. Membangun hotel, diskotik, nampan es krim, permen dan barang dan pr.sladostyami, kolam renang, spa, sirkus, bar, kasino, air slide dan atraksi lainnya, serta beberapa bangunan layanan seperti pembangkit listrik, dll Turis baru dan kaya maka Anda tersedia.
Mendapatkan uang dan membeli daerah baru, meningkatkan bangunan yang ada!
• Merry Christmas! Get ready for the most exciting holiday of the year: decorate the Island and take charge of the snowmen to help Santa pack up all of the gifts. In the end, you’ll be able to build the Snow Globe Hotel!
• Want to try walking in Santa’s boots? Compete with your friends to collect holiday presents.
• The Ice Giant is trying to ruin Christmas again. Team up with other players and fend him off!
• Gather some snow, break out the Snowball Thrower and take part in Snowball Fights!

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